Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Very late update!

Dear Region 13 members, I may have been quiet onthe blog, but have certainly been busy with IAWP business. Firstly the President and Secretary or the Kyrgyzstan Policeowmen's network came to London in September on a fact finding tour of the role of Policewomen in London. I drew up a very full programme including visits to the world famous Metropolitan Police training School at Hendon, the Met' Police Complaints Unit, Hammermsith Police Station, meetings with Representatives from the Police federation and the British Association of Women in Police. Then Jane Townsley arranged for them to visit the Counter Terroriam Unit at her force, the British Transport Police. Both the ladies were highly impressed with everyone they met.

As a result, Jane & I were invited back to Kyrgyzstan later in October to help them celebrate their network's first anniversary. It was an amazing visit. They took us up into the mountains for sightseeing and a meal. We spent time in their academy where we were both awarded the Academy's highest medal before going off to a banquet with dancers in national costumes! The following day was the actual celebration, held in a marble hall with a huge crystal chandelier. Clearly the network is highly valued with delegates attending from government as well as NGOs such as the Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe who are supporting them getting off the ground. They received their certificate of affiliation from Jane and in return everyone involved in their committee - including Jane & I- got a medal from the Deputy Minister of the Interior. Wow - meals & medals everywhere we went. See the next magazine for more pictures and a fuller article.

So whats happening in your work? Pass the news to me and I will publicise it here on the blog.

All the best, Julia